I think so much of this comes from his deep relationship with, and dependence on, God. In reading through the Psalms, it seems to me that David seems to know things about God's character and attributes no one else has as open a window on. In Psalm 5, this becomes fairly evident. Just some samples from The Message.
"Listen, God, pay attention! Can you make sense of these ramblings, my groans and my cries? King-God, I need your help!" (verses 1-3)
"And here I am, Your invited guest--it's incredible! I enter Your house; here I am, prostrate in Your inner sanctum, waiting for directions to get me safely through enemy lines." (verses 7-8)
"But You'll welcome us with open arms when we run for cover to You. Let the party last all night! Stand guard over our celebration. You are famous, God, for welcoming God-seekers, for decking us out in delight." (verse 11-12)
David was clearly banking on God's attentiveness, invitation, safety, welcome, and celebration of him and his fellow God-seekers. He counted on what he knew about God.
What do you know about God? Do you believe in His attentiveness to you? Do you know of His invitation for you to be in His Presence? Do you ever stop to think that God loves you so much that He celebrates you just for seeking Him? In the context of the Great Controversy, where Satan accuses God of being distant and uncaring and inaccessible (among other things), how could God not celebrate this when His own people, weak and feeble as we may be, seek out God and believe He is Who He claims to be in the Bible?
I don't know about you, but it is pretty awesome to me that He would celebrate me like this! That He is attentive to me, even in my ramblings (and believe me, I ramble to Him... sometimes I look back on my pray five minutes later and wonder what I was even talking about!).
So, what do you know to be true of God? Is that something you contemplate? Is it reflected in your prayers?
May you find yourself falling in love with the God of the Bible. May you depend on what you know of Him, and may what you know of Him grow larger today and moving forward!
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