Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Decked Out

If I had an Armani for every time I have heard it said, "You should dress in accordance with being in the presence of the King of the Universe! You would never go into the Oval Office in a tee shirt and jeans!" or something like that, I'd belong on the red carpet of some award show. It seems like we put a premium on cultural standards of dress and how we would appear before people, particularly in worship.

I wonder, if we looked at each other as if the very presence of God is in them, and we realized that we lived there at all times through the Holy Spirit, would we feel the need to "dress up" at all times?

I do not hold it against anyone who feels the need to "dress up" for church services if that is what one feels the need to do. However, I would suggest that anyone, at any given moment, could already be "decked out" even if we don't see it with our human eyes.

I read Psalm 5 today in "The Message." I love the wording of a couple of phrases: "And here I am, Your invited guest--it's incredible!" David was clearly excited to be in the presence of God, flabbergasted that He would be invited by God as such.

Do I get, on a regular basis, so excited and amazed to realize that, at all times, I am invited by God into His presence?

He writes, "But You'll welcome us with open arms when we run for cover to You. You are famous, God, for decking us out in delight." I don't know what "delight" looks like, exactly, but there isn't a thread that will create something like this.

I can only conclude some proclamations from this: I am invited! God decks me out in delight! I am clothed in  God's delight! If that doesn't amaze me, nothing will.

The Bible is chock-full of stories of people decked out in God's delight. Enoch walked with God, welcomed into His presence, and wound up walking with God right into heaven. Noah found grace in God's eyes and became the father of the rebuilt human race. Abraham was invited into God's presence, to walk with God to a new land, and became the father of God's chosen people to bring salvation to the world. Jacob wrestled with God--very much in His presence--and He was renamed for it (Israel means, "Contends with God," and it is said as a favorable thing). Moses noticed God and walked right into His presence at the burning bush, then was given the "clothing" of leadership to take Israel away from captivity. David was called a man after God's own heart. Daniel was honored in exile, given crucial prophecies, and worshipped only in the presence of the true God. The disciples accepted the invitation of God-the-Son, Jesus Christ, and followed Him, remaining in His presence and then establishing the Church.

In Revelation, "He who overcomes," and the one who "opens the door" when Jesus knocks gets to dine with Jesus, is cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, is honored by being invited to sit with Him on His throne.

Every day God welcomes those who seek Him into His presence. In the Holy Spirit we find ourselves before His throne. We who seek God and claim Jesus as Lord and Savior are "decked out" in His righteousness because of our faith in Him--decked out in God's delight because He Himself said, "This is dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy." (Matthew 3:17, NLT).

Some things to consider:

  • Am I a welcoming channel for others into the presence of God?
  • Do I allow God to deck people out in His delight, or am I claiming His prerogative as my own?
  • Do I believe I am in the presence of God, even right now, through the Holy Spirit because of my faith in the righteousness of Jesus? Do I act as if I believe that?
Blessings today! Add thoughts of your own in the comments!

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