Really, when you think about it, our modern definition of peace is pretty low-level. Sure, even the most minimalist definition of peace is not easy to come by in this world, but such a definition can still keep anger and resentment boiling just beneath the surface. Such peace is very delicate.
Biblical peace is not only a lot deeper, but "tougher" (meaning "more durable"), if it can be said as such. Biblical peace is really being right with God, and being right with God is only achievable through Jesus Christ, the righteous One who makes us right with God.
"Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, he got us into life! One man said no to God and put many people in the wrong; one man said yes to God and put many in the right." (Romans 5:18-19, The Message).
This brings me to today's Psalm, Psalm 11. A few highlights...
"I've already run for dear life straight to the arms of God. So why would I run away now?" (from verses 1-2).
"... God hasn't moved to the mountains; his holy address hasn't changed..." (from verses 4-6).
"God's business is putting things right; he loves getting the lines straight, setting us straight. Once we're standing tall, we can look Him straight in the eye" (verse 7).
Think of all the times David was pursued or attacked. He certainly ran sometimes, sometimes he did not. Yet wherever he went, he could enjoy the presence of God, and he knew it! Perhaps in his moments of clarity, David knew that when he was in the right with God, he didn't need to "run," per se. He was in God's presence. He was at God's "holy address," and here he was safe. But that presence was wherever he went with God. So, "running" in this case would be running to places God did not take Him.
I love the idea of looking God in the eye. It is an statement of confidence and even feelings of comfort and safety. My takeaways from this...
- Who God is does not change. His character remains the same.
- To be in God's presence is to be in the presence of this character--and this is his "address."
- In God's presence, He makes me right. In Christ, I stand and look him in the eye with confidence... the ultimate place of peace.
- When my attention is on God, I move with Him, not in reaction to the pursuit and attacks of worldly and satanic foes, but in lockstep with Him.
This makes a big difference to me. It should make me less reactive to what is around me, and more reflexive to the movement of God. When my attention is drawn to my fear, issues in my life, my work, my society, I react. When I am attentive to God, I reflexively move with Him to deal with all of these things. So I am not running away from Him and His presence and His mission (ignoring all these things)... I am running with Him into the mission that solves these things!
I move with God to fix financial issues... social and community issues... personal struggles... and I am safe and confident in His presence!
What difference does this make for you in your life? What struggles do you face, what issues are you concerned about, that would be solve better and give you greater peace if you knew that you, in Christ, stand confidently in the "address of God"?